We show respect for each other’s skills, opinions, time, function, responsibility and potential, and we share knowledge and experience. We give clear mandate, trust each other and have a will to understand each other, and we get behind and support decisions made. We encourage everyone´s opinion and expertise for well-built decisions, and we value differences and subscribe to the idea of everyone’s equality in dignity and rights.
We are curious about each other’s views and perspectives, and we create an environment where it is all right to make mistakes and where mistakes are perceived as opportunities for learning. We are courageous, open to new ideas and change, in an environment where there is place for everyone’s opinions and where everyone feels valuable. We have a feedback culture, where we talk to and not about each other and we take it for granted that everyone is doing their best. Our operations and processes are transparent.
The ”we-effect” means that we develop and achieve better results by working together. Our workplace shall be characterized by a sense of belonging, community, team spirit and meaningfulness, and it shall feel both important and joyful to work in our organisation. We collaborate across boundaries and contribute individually and together to an enlarged and stronger whole.